Saturday, July 17, 2010

Camping in Dover

Ron and Melinda invited us down for a camp out. We had an absolute blast and wanted to thank them for their hospitality. It was great to spend a little extra time with them, especially on Melinda's special 40th Birthday weekend. The pictures below provide a glimpse of how much fun we had. To great memories.........

Chandler's Camp Grounds
Ron, Melinda, Logan and Tyler's tent.
Corinne and Chloe had their own little room in the end of our tent.
The big girls (Haley, Emily, Miranda) sleeping quarters.
Blake chilling out.
Lordy, Lordy Melinda turns 40!
Logan the spaceman!! LOL....
Do you want peanut butter on your s'more?

Oops, marshmallow on the lip!
This was Chloe's favorite piece of playground equipment.
Ron and the kids shot off a baking powder and vinegar rocket.
Dover Park was beautiful and a great hangout.
Tyler and Logan
Miranda, Haley, Emily
Monica wore her favorite flip flops to the park however after three summers they broke. :~(
Brad saved the day by going back to the house to get her gym shoes. What a great guy. He did think she looked a little hillbilly running around the park without shoes!
Monica heard "Didn't your Mom ever say not to wear flip flops to the park!"
She learned her lesson but is still sad about her favorite flip flops.
Miranda and Blake
Haley and Blake
Chilling in the shade while the big kids are in the creek.

Fashion show

Wow, what a hairdo!
Corinne's fancy nails compliments of Emily.
Corinne, Chloe and Tyler found these bones in the woods by the park. They all decided to find as many as possible so they could sell them to the McKinley Museum Discovery Center and become rich.
The teeth were falling out of the skull so Tyler was putting them back into place.
You know it there was fun times when the kids fall asleep within minutes of being in the car heading home.

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