Monday, August 23, 2010

Blake's First Haircut

Since it was the first day of school, I seemed to have all the homework of filling out papers. As I was diligently filling forms out, Brad took Blake upstairs for his bath. Little did I know that he was receiving more than that. When Brad brought Blake down and asked for me to help him get his pjs on I was shocked. All of his little curls were GONE! Brad went to town with the clippers. I have no during pics, but aftermath pics.

Blake is grieving over his curls in Brad's hand. LOL....

OK, he is over it and loves looking so handsome!

Now Mom just needs to get through the grieving process. He looks way too grown up.


  1. OH My Goodness!!! He does look so grown up!!! WOW!!! Sorry you didn't get pics of the process:( But he sure is a cutie!!!

  2. AWWWW! No more curls...he does look older! Handsome lad

    That sneaky dad! :~)
