Friday, June 25, 2010

Camp Invention.

June 21 - June 25 Camp Invention - Innovate Program
This is the third year Monica has been the director for Camp Invention. This year she had a 54 campers for the week. Camp ran from 9:00am - 3:30pm. Tyler and Chloe were campers and Haley volunteered as a Junior Counselor. We had a jam packed week of adventure and inventing.

Haley's group of campers. Megan was the head counselor for the green group.
We tie-dyed the shirts and were pretty excited at how they turned out.

Tyler and Chloe's group. Notice Chloe was so excited her friend Annika could be at camp too.

The Junior Counselors were Kaela, Haley and McKayla.
Monica would like to thank them for doing such a wonderful job. Their campers loved them!

Learning about obtuse angles.

Haley really worked hard to sport her group color of green! This was Wacky Hat Day.

Chloe and Monica on Crazy Hair Day.

Marissa, Haley and Kaela

Isn't Chloe so colorful!

Tyler loved his striped hair. They were still faintly there the next day due to a stained scalp. LOL....

You can just see the gears in Tyler's brain moving.

This was the take apart class called I Can Invent III. Chloe was checking out the insides of a tape player. Once they tool the electronics apart they got to make fantasy inventions.
Tyler wants to thank Grandpa and Grandma Tyler for giving him an old stereo to take apart. He had so much fun taking it apart. There was a lot to see inside.

Happy campers.
This was an activity in the Hatched class. The team had to design a water transport system for their virtual world avatars. Their system was made by purchasing items from our recycle room. They meet the challenge requirements and the team earned $500 to purchase supplies during other activities throughout the week.

Haley and Megan taking a breather.

Tyler is building his motorized creature. Each day they added another element until the final day when the creature races took place. The Power'd class was fabulous. The campers learned all about circuits and electricity.

Chloe's avatar was designed to look like her cousin Kaela! She accomplished her goal. She even added the blue headband. Kaela so kindly let Chloe wear the headband throughout the day. Can you spot Chloe in the next picture of our Base Camp during lunch time?

What a cutie.

The green team was brainstorming team names. The winner was the "Giant Green Dominating Ducks"! Chloe and Tyler's group name was the "Blue Mohawks".


  1. Looks like a bunch of kids had a great week, bet Monica was exhausted.

  2. I agree with the first post. It looks like the kids enjoyed the week, but maybe Monica could have been a little exhausted from it all!
