Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beach Fun

Plu..plu...plu...plu....pluhhhhhhhh! We are at the beach, where are you? Wish you were here.....

Dig, Dig, Dig, Dig = Tyler Fun!

Whew, is it windy out here! Good thing it is in the mid 90s.

The beach has really eroded from previous storms.

The oldest and the youngest! So cute.

Let's see how much sand I can get to stick to my outfit. Daddy said Blake looks like a piece of fried chicken.

Blake loves the pool. He can't wait to show you his speedo-like suit!

Lynda was so kind to bury little Miss Chloe.

AWWWWW. Blake is zoning.

Learning digging techniques from his big bro Tyler.

We have the best sand bar which has created a little pool for the kids to play in.

All the Grandpa's just shooting the breeze!

Boys just hanging out!


  1. Your Dad was reading Heloise today and it says to spray vinegar on jellyfish stings, don't rub it in just spray.

  2. The blog site said it wasn't available so I thought it didn't go through. They must have sent them later when they were back up. Sorry you got it three times.

  3. The kids are ready to pack their bags and join you! They had such a fun time two years ago. We are glad you are having a fabulous week!
